
 Thu, 24. Feb. 2022   Schwarzbach, Marco

Exam Review in Recent Developments in Econometrics

The exam review in Recent Developments in Econometrics will take place on 02.03.2022 from 3pm to 4pm in R11 T04 C06 in compliance with the current concept of measures (esp. UDE-Boarding).

For organizational reasons, prior registration by email to Thilo Reinschlüssel is necessary!

 Mon, 26. Aug. 2024   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Verabschiedung von Kevin Kristen

Zum Ende des Monats verlässt unser geschätzte Kollege Kevin Kristen den Lehrstuhl. Wir wünschen ihm für seine weitere private und berufliche Laufbahn alles Gute und möchten uns für seine erfolgreiche und engagierte Arbeit als...
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 Wed, 14. Aug. 2024   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Farewell to Abhisek Banerjee

Last month our collegue Abhisek Banerjee left the chair. We would like to thank him for his excellent work and collaboration. For his PhD at the University of Missouri-Columbia, we wish him a lot of success.   
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 Wed, 24. Apr. 2024   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Paper "Mixtures of log-normal distributions in the mid-scale range of firm-size variables"

The paper "Mixtures of log‑normal distributions in the mid‑scale range of firm‑size variables" by Dr. Till Massing, Prof. Dr. Atushi Ishikawa, Prof. Dr. Arturo Ramos, Prof. Dr. Shouji Fujimoto and Prof. Dr. Takayuki Mizuno has...
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 Wed, 03. Apr. 2024   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Farewell to Alexander Langnau and Mert Basaran

Last month we said goodbye to our colleagues Mert Basaran and Alexander Langnau. We  would like to thank them for their excellent work and collaboration and wish both of them a lot of success in their professional and personal...
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 Wed, 20. Dec. 2023   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Science Award of Sparkasse Essen

Dr. Stephan Hetzenecker received the Science Award for Economics of the Sparkasse Essen, which is endowed with 5.000 € for his dissertation "Essays on Using Shrinkage Estimators in Econometrics". The award honors outstanding...
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 Wed, 29. Nov. 2023   Großer, Jan-Lucas

German Research Foundation funds project "Predictive Regressions for Measures of Systemic Risk"

The German Research Foundation (DFG) recently approved the third-party funded project "Predictive regressions for measures of systemic risk" for two years. Yannick Hoga, together with Prof. Dr. Matei Demetrescu (TU Dortmund...
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 Wed, 23. Aug. 2023   Großer, Jan-Lucas


Prof. Dr. Yannick Hoga has been accepted with an article in the peer-reviewed journal "Econometric Theory". The title of the paper is "The Estimation Risk in Extreme Systematic Risk Forecasts" and can be viewed here. 
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 Tue, 25. Jul. 2023   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Paper "Approximation and Error Analysis of Forward–Backward SDEs Driven by General Lévy Processes Using Shot Noise Series Representations"

For the internationally peer-reviewed journal "ESAIM: Probability & Statistics", Dr. Till Massing has been accepted with his paper "Approximation and Error Analysis of Forward–Backward SDEs Driven by General Lévy Processes Using...
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 Tue, 25. Jul. 2023   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Verabschiedung Cedric Jüssen

Zum Ende des vergangenen Monats haben wir unseren Kollegen Cedric Jüssen vom Lehrstuhl verabschiedet.  Wir bedanken uns für seine hervorragende Arbeit und sein hohes Engagement, jedoch bedauern wir es auch, einen persönlich...
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 Thu, 13. Jul. 2023   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Paper "A Data Mining Approach for Detecting Collusion in Unproctored Online Exams"

With the paper "A Data Mining Approach for Detecting Collusion in Unproctored Online Exams", Prof. Dr. Christoph Hanck, Dr. Till Massing, Jens Klenke, Janine Langerbein, Natalie Reckmann, Prof. Dr. Michael Goedicke and Dr. Michael...
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 Wed, 31. May. 2023   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Paper "Backtesting Systemic Risk Forecasts Using Multi-Objective Elicitability"

The paper "Backtesting Systemic Risk Forecasts Using Multi-Objective Elicitability" by Prof. Dr. Yannick Hoga and Dr. Tobias Fissler was accepted for the internationally peer-reviewed Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. The...
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 Tue, 25. Apr. 2023   Großer, Jan-Lucas

Paper "Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance"

The paper "Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance" by Prof. Dr. Christoph Hanck, Dr. Till Massing, Jens Klenke, Janine Langerbein, Natalie Reckmann, Benjamin Otto and Prof. Dr. Michael Goedicke has been accepted...
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Currently showing 1 to 12 out of 85